Saturday, July 14, 2007

Changing Gears..

Lately I've been struggling with what to write about--so much going on right now in the political scene. And quite frankly, too much. Every day there is some topic that either bothers or intrigues me enough to write about, but after I research the topic, draw up an outline about my own thoughts,, and log into the blog to begin,,,, I seem to lose my drive to follow through with the post. My apologies. Guess that's what writing is all about....

So, in order to combat this form of "writers' block", I've decided to take a bit of a respite from the political realm, and just write creatively for a day or two. In addition to my aspirations of public office, political columnist, or even radio talk show host, I've also always wanted to write a novel. I'm pretty sure that I wouldn't be very good at it, but it's a lot of fun to write fiction, so I thought sometime over the course of my life, I should give it a go.

I'm going to go ahead and post this in hopes that it will motivate me to write a little creative stuff. No promises, but I did want to explain why the next couple posts (may) be different from my normal political wanderings. Again, this blog is nothing more than a journal for me,, so I'm approaching it as such, and writing about what strikes my fancy for the moment. We'll see....

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